The future is Video Advertising: the next big thing for marketers

The future is Video Advertising: the next big thing for marketers

Video advertising is one of the most popular ways to attract online audiences. Experts believe that video advertising will continue to dominate in 2021, which means that now is the ideal time for marketers to learn more and study how to increase their reach and effectiveness through video ad campaigns. The growth of new formats and consumption continues to promote video as an increasingly effective and engaging medium. 

Video advertising becomes indispensable when it is necessary to promote a product or increase emotional involvement in communication with a brand. The production and placement of video advertising are now available to businesses of any size, so video strategy must be used to expand the channels of interaction with the target audience.

The Current State of Video Advertising

In 2020 video has become the most attractive type of content-even. If you want to attract an audience, video is now the key. Especially for companies, it can be a powerful medium for your brand promotion. Fewer words, more numbers. Here's the overview of key video consumption statistics to provide you with more background on the state of the video (according to the annual Video Marketing Survey). 

  • 94% of video marketers say video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service. 
  • 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, increasing slightly from 85% in 2020. 
  • 93% of marketers who use video say that it's an important part of their marketing strategy — an increase from 92% in 2020, making this the highest percentage of any year since 2015. 
  • Most marketers feel that video is a great investment for lead generation. 84% of video marketers say video has been effective for generating leads, up 1% from 2020. 
  • While only 29% of video marketers consider sales as a measurement of success, 78% report that video marketing has improved their company’s bottom line — meaning that videos will have a positive impact even if the focus remains on other metrics. 

In-stream & Out stream Video Ads

In-Stream Video Ads

In-Stream Video Ads are within the video player itself and are injected into the stream that is being sent to the user’s video player. The ads are served in the same player as the video being viewed and are comparable to the commercial TV breaks. They usually play for 15 – 30 seconds.

Types of In-stream Video:

Pre-roll - video ads that are loaded at the start of viewing the selected content.

Mid-roll - advertising videos that interrupt the main videos being watched.

Post-roll is an ad format that users see immediately after they finish watching the main video.

Pause-roll is the format of video ads that are shown when a pause is pressed.

The key metrics of the In-Stream ad format are impressions, views, and clicks. These metrics will help you understand how interesting your advertising is to the target audience, as well as how engaging it is.

Over the past couple of years, instream video advertising has become an accepted norm. It is considered to be very effective, because the target audience is in the right mindset for consuming video content, and if you’ve employed an effective targeting strategy, the advertisement should feel like a natural fit with the video subject matter. Marketers need to ensure their material is as natural and unobtrusive as possible, and to do that, instream advertisements need to match the look and feel of the surrounding content.

Out-Stream Video Ads

Out-stream video ads also commonly referred to as ‘in-read’ or ‘native video’, is a new video advertising unit that auto-plays in a large format player whenever a user navigates to it. These are videos that appear in non-video environments – mainly text-based content, like articles. 

The logic of working with Out-stream formats is most often based on the CPM model, sometimes CPC and CPV models. The format aims to increase brand awareness through a wider audience reach. Out-stream is specially adapted for mobile devices, so it allows marketers to target mobile users.

With out-stream ads, you aren’t waiting for your audience to come to you. This means you can find your audience wherever they are online. This is particularly useful if your audience is unlikely to spend a lot of time on the sites where instream ads are used. Outstream ads don’t impose on the user’s experience at all. If they are interested, then they choose to watch. This makes for a more positive customer experience and also means your video views aren’t wasted on people who aren’t interested. 

Benefits of Video Advertising

  • Branding and building consumer trust

Video can help brands communicate the value of their products and services and provide a personal, holistic and engaging connection with customers. However, videos need to be produced with consumers in mind. Video adds an organic layer to marketing that enables brands to present themselves as helpful, knowledgeable, and human.

  • Building awareness and generating leads

Video is the most powerful tool for building awareness around your brand and generating leads. It’s so powerful that it can increase your conversion rate by 80%. The key to success with video for your business is to make sure that it’s tailored to the needs of your audience.

  • Great ROI

89% of marketers who run video ads claim to have had a positive return on investment. Many businesses are skeptical of the power of digital advertising. But when you invest in video marketing, you should be pleased with the ROI. It is one of the most successful forms of digital advertising. Have a clear objective, high-quality content, and relevant visuals, and you will get good returns.

  • Personalization 

Video streaming is a good example where personalized video is very important. Programmatic video advertising can be very personal for both the user and your business. If your video ad reaches the right customer base, you could see better click-through rates, higher conversion rates, and less abandonment.

  • Flexibility 

The goal of a video ad is to compel the viewer to take a specific action. This can be achieved through the power of persuasion. Marketers have the option to use video ads that only offer the viewer the chance to skip the video and move on, or they can provide their viewers with an opportunity to watch more than just the beginning of the ad.

Final thoughts

Video ads have been around for a while, but they’re just beginning to make serious headway in the world of digital advertising. Video advertising is the most effective way to attract large online audiences, and experts suggest it will continue dominating in 2021.

Marketers can take advantage of this booming trend right now, and learn more about how they can promote their business through video ads. If you were not planning to invest in video ads, it may be time to reconsider. You can easily start running effective video ads with any budget on UBIDEX Programmatic Platform. Visit website to learn more!